All About Hair Removal


A patch test is required 24 hrs in advance for all first time clients for waxing and tinting. Waxing will not be done if in the last 48hrs you have been exposed to the sun or sun-beds or if you have insect bites, broken irritated skin. It is the clients responsibility to inform the salon of any skin irritations etc that they might have




Patch test is required 24 hrs. in advance for all first time clients. Waxing is not advised if in the last 48hrs. you have been exposed to the sun or sun-bed or if you have any insect bites, broken or irritated skin, cuts or bruises, cold sores or conjunctivitis



Men’s Waxing

A patch test is required 24 hrs in advance for all first time clients for waxing and tinting. Waxing will not be done if in the last 48hrs you have been exposed to the sun or sun-beds or if you have insect bites, broken irritated skin. It is the clients responsibility to inform the salon of any skin irritations etc that they might have.




Electro Apilus Diathermy is the permanent removal of unwanted hair using a short-wave diathermy current. This current creates heat, which is delivered to the hair at the root destroy the growth centre of the hair.