All About The Face

Environ active Vitamin & Hydro Boost Facial

This Environ Treatment starts with intensive cleansing and exfoliation, to rid the skin of pore congestion and cell build up . This is an essential part of the treatment, as it prepares the skin for the delivery of the active vitamin & peptides which will be delivered into the skin through via Environ’s, Df Inoxime Machine

This Active Vitamin & hydra Boots treatment is packed with the most active form of Vitamin A, C, peptides and antioxidants that are driven deep into the lower layers of the skin, through the use of patented soundwaves & small electrical pulses.

This unique scientific approach, stimulates collagen, improves elasticity, boosts skin radiance and increases hydration. Measurable differences are visible after just one treatment, leaving your skin more plump, hydrated and Glowing , with fewer fine lines. (A favourite amongst clients and staff alike)

Treatment — €125
Focus on frown — €65(Treats frown lines)
Focus on Eyes — €65 (Treats whole area)

   You will be given expert advice and more importantly, solutions available on skin problems, from split capillaries, pigmentation, lines and wrinkles to sagging facial muscles, or maybe you just want advice on prevention.

As results are our priority, we take into consideration all influential factors when assessing our clients wellbeing. We consider the effect diet, environmental factors and stress have on our skin. All treatments offered at Topaz Beauty, are individually tailored to suit clients skin needs. Book your Free Consultation Today with one of our Highly trained Therapists.

Rejuvapen Microneedling

For an even more enhanced treatment we also offer Cosmetic Needling (Roll CIT) to dramatically increase the effectiveness of our skin care products, allowing improved penetration of vitamins into the active layers of the skin. "Micro-needles" puncture the horny layer of the epidermis, which is the main obstruction to penetration of active ingredients. This results in their passage to attain depths in the skin about 10,000 times more than by simply applying the products topically. The higher the levels of active hyaluronic acid and  vitamin A and vitamin C that can penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis, the more collagen can be made.

Boost your glow

AlumieurMD Facial Peels

AlumierMD Peels are a resurfacing treatment designed to improve and enhance the skin. Its benefits include skin clarity, even skin tone, uniform colour and improved texture. AlumierMD Peels offer a variety of different peeling solutions for various skin conditions including acne, aging, sun damaged, rosacea or hyper pigmentation. 

Your skin therapist will choose the most suitable treatment for you following your consultation.

Radiant 20/10

50 minutes

With lactic and salicylic acid, Radiant 20/10 resurfacing peel contains a powerful combination of both which improves skin tone and texture by exfoliating dead skin cells and speeding cell turnover. The multipurpose resurfacing peel reduces acne pimples and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

Skin type: Acne, Hyperpigmentation, Uneven Skin Tone, Congestion, Open Pores, and Oiliness

* Add on vitamin boost

Radiant 30

50 minutes

Radiant 30 is an alpha hyrax acid resurfacing peel containing lactic acid to exfoliate dead skin cells. Boost cell turnover and stimulate collagen, improve skin texture and tone. This multifunctional peel targets multiple skin conditions including fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration, sun damage, and large pores.

Skin type: Hyperpigmentation, Uneven Skin Tone, Dull Skin, Lines & Wrinkles

* Add on vitamin boost

Glow Peel

60 minutes

Glow Peel combines lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol, creating a multipurpose resurfacing solution effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation issues like age spots, discolouration and uneven skin tone. This formula exfoliates dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal. To suit individual needs, Glow Peel can be customized by strength by numbers of layers. This peel also includes the Enzyme Retexturing treatment and an application of our Vitamin A boost.

Skin type: Dry, Normal, Oily, Dehydrated, Acne, Hyperpigmentation & Ageing


Vitamin Boost

Vitamin A boost is a potent and pure retinol and lactic acid resurfacing treatment. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation by boosting collagen production and speeding cell turnover, creating a more radiant and even-toned complexion.

Skin type: Ageing skin, pigmentation, photosensitive

Lift, Tone, Rejuvenate


Considered the most advanced electrical facelift system of its time, CACI utilises a computer aided cosmetology instrument to lift, tone and re-educate the muscle back to its original position.

As well as stimulating collagen and elastin it also offers numerous rejuvenation benefits. CACI uses a unique, patented waveform which allows the micro current to penetrate directly into the core of the muscle giving unrivalled treatment results.

CACI facials target lines and wrinkles to lift, tone and rejuvenate the skins complexion and treat blemishes & acne. Our highly qualified skin specialists will be happy to recommend the treatment that will suit you best.

CACI Non Surgical Facelift (60 min) €100
The highly acclaimed classic Non Surgical Facelift re-educates and lifts the muscles of the face achieving immediate and dramatic results.

CACI Ultimate Eye Lift (30 min) — €65
Ideal for lifting tired and puffy eyes whilst restoring the skins hydration levels.

CACI Ultimate Anti Ageing Facial (1hr 20 min) €160
This treatment works on combating the signs of ageing, combining the effects of AlumieurMD Lactic acid peel & Micro current.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

IPL skin rejuvenation is a noninvasive skin care procedure that uses high-powered pulses of light to improve the appearance of skin

  • This procedure also treats common skin concerns such as wrinkles, dark spots, unsightly veins or broken capillaries.

  • IPL is also effective in treating sun damage and scarring, and the redness associated with rosacea.

Skin rejuvenation is an umbrella term that applies to any treatment that makes the skin appear younger. Many treatment options are available and include both surgical and nonsurgical options.

Skin rejuvenation is most often associated with minimising the natural signs of ageing but it can also address skin damage that results from injury or trauma, as well as improve symptoms of some skin conditions such as rosacea. 

Intense pulsed light (IPL) skin rejuvenation is a type of light therapy used to treat these skin concerns. Unlike other light therapies, particularly those done with lasers, IPL causes minimal damage to the skin and recovery takes just a few days. This method of skin rejuvenation is safe, with minimal downtime. 

Benefits include improved smoothness, reduced sun damage and discolouration, and improved appearance of wrinkles, spots or scars.

Treatment — €150


Medical Microdermabrasion is a mild non-invasive treatment that will revitalise and rejuvenate skin without any downtime or side effects. Skin will appear fresher while the appearance of fine lines wrinkles, ‘crows feet’, age spots and acne scars will be reduced leaving you with natural looking results instantly. 

Microdermabrasion offers a quick way to improve the texture and appearance of your skin, to minimise uneven pigmentation and sun damage and to unblock blackheads.

Treatment — €85

Acne Treatment

Treatments are individually designed to treat the severity of the problem. A consultation is necessary to help you achieve the desired result.

Teenage Specific Facial

Uncover the importance of good skin care habits at a young age with teen facials. 

With the onset of adolescence, teen skin can change dramatically. For  some, they experience only slight changes while for others these changes  can be more dramatic. 

The key is to start teens on the right skincare regime and product choices  along with regular teen facials, especially if breakouts are frequent and  leading to confidence issues. The earlier we start caring and protecting  teen skin, the better able they are to prevent blemishes and marks (from  picking!) 

Your facial starts with a double cleanse followed by an exfoliation to slough off the dead skin cells to  help keep your skin bright and clear. We will target your breakouts to reveal a brighter, clearer  complexion. We finish with a mask best suited to your skin.

Treatment (45 mins) — €70